What's on .......

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Denbigh Community Celebration on 18th of June. We hope you enjoyed attending one of the workshops, whether it was yoga, foraging, cookery, wellbeing, learning Welsh or one of the kid's workshops. Another event is planned later in the year.
We launched the People's Assembly to an enthusiastic audience and will be continuing with this project so please keep visiting our website and social media channels for further updates.
The evening finished with another enthusiastic crowd at the Guildhall Tavern for a night of live music.
If you are a stallholder and would like to attend future events please get in touch.
Download stallholder application form and stallholder T&Cs
Download more information
Contact events@ytygwyrdd.cymru
People's Assembly
To register or volunteer and for more information on the People's Assembly email: peoplesassembly@ytygwyrdd.cymru
Download more information.
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This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund